Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Solar

.......While we are on the subject of FITs and REPs, you might want to view a few videos that cover it as well. The first is called - "Saved by the Sun". It is a PBS (Nova) video that is well worth the watch. They go to Germany and show examples of how Feed-In Tariff credits work and how banks participate in low interest loans for those installing panels. Typically they are spread over 20 years. For the governments part, they guarantee that the utility will purchase power from each site over that period of time at a rate to pay for the system as well as insuring systems become income producing for the owner of the installed site. The video is available through NetFlix and Blockbuster. I bought my copy.

Here is another one.........Go to the website - where there is a free video on Freiberg, Germany and the start of the solar initiative in Germany in the 1970s by a town and its people demonstrating through civil disobedience against a proposed nuclear facility to be built there. This is all shown in the video. It was the impetus that spawned Germany's solar lead in the world today. The town of Freiberg houses one of Germany's biggest solar panel manufacturers today all fostered by this grass roots movement. Please take time to watch this is important. Just go to the website and you will find it in the upper left hand corner. I see that Al Gore met today with Obama and Biden about global warming and the need to transition to clean energy. One more suggestion is to read the Thomas L. Friedman book - "Hot, Flat, and Crowded". I am in the final chapters and feel that it is the best book I have read this year. It ties all of the issues we face for the health of the planet - global warming, the emergence of the middle class throughout the world and the stress that that has placed on fossil fuels, and finally the population explosion and the pressure that that is placing on the other two...........These are all interrelated, of course.

More later..................

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